Color is of paramount importance when judging the value of a ruby. Prized colors--which can command high prices--are pure reds with no overtones of brown or blue. Very light or dark shades are usually less valuable, but not necessarily less appealing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and color preferences are subjective.
Of course, clarity, cut and carat weight factor into the cost of a gem. Better quality rubies are usually eye-clean with some inclusions under magnification. Ruby is more available under two carats, gems over five carats have become scarce. In ruby's finest quality, any size is rare.
Recently, rubies have been grown in the laboratory. Although these grown rubies are essentially of identical composition, hardness, and brilliance to natural rubies, they have aroused some controversy. Their presence of the market is still more limited than lab-grown emeralds, however.
When buying star rubies, look for a star that has straight legs that are all of equal clarity.
Rubies are the birthstone for those born in July
Rubies are considered both the traditional and modern birthstone for those born in July. It is considered to be the stone of the Zodiac sign of Capricorn, and is often given as a gift for the 40th anniversary.
The history of Ruby mining dates back more than 2,500 years ago. Rubies are found throughout the world and have been mined in most areas, but Burma is considered the area for obtaining the most valuable and highest quality rubies with deep red colors. The most important deposits are found in Myanmar, which is near Mogok in Burma. Although many rubies are mined, only 1% is of gem quality.
In a metaphysical sense, two magical elements are associated with red rubies: fire and blood, and they imply warmth and life for mankind. It is considered by many to be the gemstone which signifies everlasting love. Ancient legends state that one should not make faces at a ruby in a museum since this will make it grow dull. Ancient rulers even thought that a ruby would darken when it sensed danger, only to return to its natural color when the danger had passed. For healing purposes, rubies are said to be a general health protection and a help for backache and toenail problems.
info credit:
The gemstone ruby
Ruby is distinguished and known by all for its fiery red color. Beside for its color, it is a most desirable gem due to its hardness, durability, luster, ...
Ruby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the ...
Physical properties - Natural occurrence - Factors affecting value
Ruby - english
Whenever a particularly beautiful ruby crystal was found, the ruler sent high dignitaries out to meet the precious gemstone and welcome it in appropriate
Ruby Jewelry - Ruby Buying Advice - Facts About Rubies
The variations add to the charm and individuality of each gemstone. If you were born in July, ruby is your special birthstone, but ruby jewelry is a ...
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