Color is most important when determining the value of garnet. Lively, bright colors usually command higher prices than gems that are too light or dark. But remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and color preferences are subjective. Of course, clarity, cut and carat weight also factor into the cost of a gem. Better quality garnets are usually eye clean and very high clarity (not many inclusions) under magnification.
Almandine and pyrope (and a mix of the two) are the most common types of garnet on the market. Their widespread availability makes them extremely affordable (under $40 a carat). Rhodolite, particularly in its reddish colors, and spessartite in its bright orange red, are more uncommon and therefore more valuable than pyrope and almandine. Spessartite is commonly called Mandarin garnet because in its best color it resembles mandarin oranges.
Demantoids have been very hard to find ever since its exclusive Russian sources dried up. A new Namibian mine has brought them back, but just barely. My Jewelz carries some excellent tsavorite and spessartite samples in our Gem Store. Garnet is one of the few natural gemstones not commonly enhanced to improve its color or clarity. However, garnet is often imitated. The laser industry has perfected some synthetic garnets with crystalline structures similar to the natural gem, but different in chemical composition (it's a non-silicate). Synthetic ruby and spinel are also used as a garnet simulant, as is glass, particularly in inexpensive birthstone jewelry.
Garnets are the birthstone for those born in January
Garnets are the birthstone for those born in January. It is also known as the gemstone for the second anniversary. People tend to think of garnets as being very deep red, but they are actually found in a wide color spectrum. In fact they are found in all colors except blue. Anyone who loves the sun baked colors of late summer will be attracted to this lovely stone.

The word garnet comes from the Latin word granatus. In nature, garnet crystals which were embedded in rock often had the color and shape of pomegranate seeds.
As with all gemstones, garnets have metaphysical connections. During the Middle Ages many believed that garnets would stop bleeding, since most are red. Some early cultures believed that garnets were helpful in preventing and curing infections and blood disorders.
Garnets have been known to Man for thousands of years. It is even said that Noah used a garnet lantern to help him steer the ark through the dark night. Early Egyptian, Greek and Roman times all have evidence of jewelry made from this beautiful gemstone.
info credit:
Garnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The garnet group includes a group of minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. The name "garnet" may come from either ...
Garnets - english
Spectacular finds, especially in Africa, have enhanced the traditional image of the garnet with a surprising number of hues - even if red does continue to ...
Garnets, Garnet Information, Garnet Jewelry and Garnet Gemstones
Hence, they are dubbed, “ant hill garnets.” While their color is superb, they are very dark in tone. Gems are rarely faceted in sizes over one carat because ...
Encyclopedia of Gemstones - Garnet. Garnet's color, characteristics of Garnet, varieties of Garnet, mystical power of Garne
Garnet. Color, characteristics, varieties, the name's origin, from the stone history, mystical power, healing ability, deposits.
Garnet Gem - stones
Garnet Gem Stones Garnet Facetted Teardrop 6x9mm. US$ 4.00 Per Stone ... Garnet Gems Stones Garnet Square 7mm. US$ 2.50 Per Stone, Garnet Gems Stones ...
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